Spirulina amino acid composition

Essential Amino Acids per 10 gms % total
Isoleucine 350 mg 5.6 %
Leucine 540 mg 8.7 %
Lysine 290 mg 4.7 %
Methionine 140 mg 2.3 %
Phenylalanine 280 mg 4.5 %
Threonine 320 mg 5.2 %
Tryptophan 90 mg 1.5 %
Valine 400 mg 6.5 %
Non-Essential Amino Acids per 10 gms % total
Alanine 470 mg 7.6 %
Arginine 430 mg 6.9 %
Aspartic Acid 610 mg 9.8 %
Crystine 60 mg 1.0 %
Glutamic Acid 910 mg 14.6 %
Glycine 320 mg 5.2 %
Histidine 100 mg 1.6 %
Proline 270 mg 4.3 %
Serine 320 mg 5.2 %
Tyrosine 300 mg 4.8 %
Total Amino Acids 6200 gms 100.0 %

Adult Essential Amino Acid

Spirulina has lower amounts of methionine and cystine than grains, seeds, vegetables, and legumes, but it nevertheless has higher levels of these amino acids and lysine than all vegetables other than legumes. Spirulina improves the purity of amino acids and balances out vegetarian protein. Just 36 grams, or four heaping tablespoons, of spirulina provide more than 100% of an adult male's daily essential amino acid requirements.

Essential Amino Acids Requirement g/day spirulina gm/10g spirulina %/10g
Isoleucine 0.84 0.35 42 %
Leucine 1.12 0.54 48 %
Lysine 0.84 0.29 35 %
Methionine 0.70 0.20 29 %
Phenylealanine 1.12 0.58 52 %
Threonine 0.56 0.32 43 %
Valine 0.98 0.40 41 %

Spirulina vitamin content

Vitamins per 10 grams U.S. DV % DV
Vitamin A (beta carotene) 23000 IU 5000 IU 460 %
Vitamin C 0 mg 60 mg 0 %
Vitamin E(a-tocopherol) 1.0 IU 30 IU 3 %
Vitamin K 200 mcg 80 mcg 250 %
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.35 mg 1.5 mg 23 %
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.40 mg 1.7 mg 23 %
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 1.40 mg 20 mg 7 %
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 80 mg 2 mg 4 %
Folate (folic acid) 1 mcg 0.4 mg 0 %
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 20 mcg 6 mcg 330 %
Biotin 0.5 mcg 0.3 mg 0 %
Panthothenic Acid 10 mcg 10 mg 1 %
Inositol 6.4 mg *** ***

Vitamins protect health - A 10 gram serving of spirulina provides 20 tablets or 1oz. We need a high profile of vitamins.

Spirulina mineral content

Minerals per 10 grams U.S. DV % U.S. DV
Calcium 70 mg 1000 mg 7 %
Iron 10 mg 18 mg 55 %
Phosphorus 80 mg 1000 mg 8 %
Magnesium 40 mg 400 mg 10 %
Zinc 300 mcg 15 mg 2 %
Selenium 10 mcg 70 mcg 14 %
Copper 120 mcg 2 mg 6 %
Manganese 500 mcg 2 mg 6 %
Chromium 25 mcg 120 mcg 21 %
Sodium 90 mg 2400 mg 4 %
Potassium 140 mg 3500 mg 4 %
Germanium 60 mcg - -

The best iron supplement. In particular, iron deficiency is the most common in women, children and older people. Women on weight loss diets typically do not get enough iron, and can become anemic. For strong red blood cells and a healthy immune system, iron is needed. Spirulina is an extremely rich source of iron, 10 times as much as typical foodstuffs. Up to 10 mg of iron, 55% of the DV, is available in 10 grams. Human body can absorb Spirulina iron at a rapid rate. It is believed that during digestion, its blue pigment phycocyanin forms a soluble complex with iron and other minerals which enables it to be more readily available. Hence, iron in spirulina is over twice as absorbable as the form of iron found in vegetables and most meats. 2 The absorption of typical iron supplements is not satisfactory. Studies have shown that spirulina is 60 % more effective at absorbing iron compared to supplements of iron sulfate. Spirulina is one of the best sources for all people who need an iron supplement.

Energy to athletes and bodybuilders Athletes say spirulina increases energy, improves stamina and prolongs running times when taken before competition. Backpackers, cyclists and climbers take tablets for more energy and stamina per weight than conventional foods. This food is perfect for a high intensity workout.

Proteins are necessary for endurance training and regeneration of body tissue. spirulina contains 65% of protein, easily absorbed and has no fat content for the bodybuilder. Bodybuilders are taking 10 grams a day, 3 times a day. Before competition it gives an energy boost with sustaining power, mixed with milk, egg, honey and juice. It has the ability of satisfying appetites to maintain a competitive weight by taking it before eating. spirulina is used by the world's best athletes to improve their performance. The trainers reported an improvement in recovery and an increase in the immune system, allowing athletes to increase their training at the largest Chinese training center for 2000 athletes. For many years, the track stars have been using spirulina to create and repair muscle mass. For endurance and to avoid cramps, marathoners are taking spirulina.

Safe and useful for children Spirulina is the most beneficial to children. It's a very healthy protein from plants that is easily absorbed. Even undernourished children with poor nutrient absorption can assimilate spirulina and recover from malnutrition. Spirulina is building tissue, improving vision and concentration, strengthening the immune system, increasing the resistance to infection and the ability to heal. Green spirulina drinks are loved by children!

Summary of health benefits Hundreds of published studies have demonstrated the benefits of spirulina for health and treatment over the last 45 years. Combined with the experience of millions of consumers, we know of a wide range of therapeutic effects from very low amounts of spirulina in the diet. We've got indications that there are still a lot of new possible applications to come. A summary of these findings, followed by a more in depth discussion is given below.

• Antiaging, brain health and neuroprotective effects. It reduces inflammation, oxidative stress and improves the function of the brain.

• Anti-viral activity against HIV and Coronavirus. Increased resistance to any type of virus attack. It helps to reduce the severity of infections and opportunistic infections.

• Anti-cancer studies for prevention and inhibition. It reduces the risk of cancer and tumour.

• Protection against oxidants and antiinflammatory effects. It decreases oxidation stress, cell damage and inflammation.

Protien quantity and quality for spirulina and other protien food sources

For many people, protein digestibility is important. There's no cellulose in the cell walls of the Spirulina. Composed of soft mucopolysaccharides makes it easily assimilated - 85 to 95% digestible. It is important for people who have gastrointestinal malabsorption. Complex proteins are difficult to digest in a lot of elderly people, and they're eating restrictive diets. It is easy for them to digest spirulina protein. In people who suffer from malnutrition diseases such as kwashiorkor, where their intestinal absorption is impaired, sphingolia works well. Given to malnourished children, it is more effective than milk powders because milk lactic acid can be hard to absorb. 'Side effects' : fat, calories and cholesterol The fat content of spirulina is only 5%, which is much lower than most other protein sources. There's only 36 calories in ten grams, and almost no cholesterol. That means that spirulina is a lowfat, lowcalorie, cholesterol free foodstuff. The protein source does not contain the fats, greases, calories or cholesterol of meat and dairy proteins. Only 1.3 mg of cholesterol and 36 calories are contained in a 10g serving of spirulina. On the other hand, a large egg produces about as much It contains 300 mg of cholesterol and 80 calories, but only contains the same amount of protein as a tablespoon of spirulina. People in developed countries are usually eating more than enough protein, with high levels of fat, calories and cholesterol. It is therefore recommended that less milk and meat protein should be consumed. There are certain people who need more protein, but they don't have enough calories. Therefore, in order to prevent an unnecessary weight gain, the addition of protein must have a lower caloric content. In such cases, spirulin is suitable because it has a significantly lower calorie cost than dairy, meat and fish.

Food Protien % NPU % Usable Protein %
Spirulina 65 62 40
Dried eggs, whole 47 94 44
Brewers yeast 45 50 23
Soy flour, whole 37 61 23
Dried Milk, skim 36 82 30
Cheese, parmesan 36 70 25
Wheat germ 27 67 18
Peanuts 26 38 10
Chicken 24 67 16
Fish 22 80 18
Beef 22 67 15
Seesame seed 19 60 11
Oats, whole flour 15 66 10
Whear, whole flour 14 63 9
Tofu, moist 8 65 5
Brown rice 8 60 5

Best beta carotene vegetables

Natural beta carotene (provitamin A) The best beta carotene food is spirulina, which has ten times the concentration of carrots in it. Ten grams provide 23,000 IU (14 mg) of beta carotene, 460% of the U.S. Daily Value (DV) of Vitamin A. High doses of Vitamin A may be toxic, but beta carotene in spirulina and vegetables is safe, because humans convert beta carotene to Vitamin A only as needed. In order to maintain the mucosal membranes and pigments that are necessary for vision, vitamin A is essential. One of the most severe malnutrition problems in developing countries is vitamin A deficiency. The therapeutic effect of beta carotene is to reduce serum cholesterol and cancer risks. Studies published have shown that beta carotene reduces the risk of all types of cancer, including lung, throat, stomach, colon, gastrointestinal tract, breast and cervix.

Food serving size IU of beta carotene
spirulina 1 heaping tbsp. (10 g) 23000
papaya 1/2 medium 8867
sweet potato 1/2 cup, cooked 8500
collard greens 1/2 cup, cooked 7917
carrots 1/2 cup, cooked 7250
chard 1/2 cup, cooked 6042
beet greens 1/2 cup, cooked 6042
spinach 1/2 cup, cooked 6000
cantaloupe 1/4 medium 5667
chlorella 50 tablets (10 g) 5000
broccoli 1/2 cup, cooked 3229
butternut squash 1/2 cup, cooked 1333
watermelon 1 cup 1173
peach 1 large 1042
apricot 1 medium 892

Green superfood nutrient comparison

Composition spirulina algae chlorella algae alphaniz algae barley grass wheat grass
Protien 62 % 60 % 58 % 25 % 25 %
Carbohydrates 19 % 18 % 25 % 54 % 54 %
Fats (lipids) 5 % 10 % 5 % 4 % 4 %
Minerals (ash) 9 % 7 % 7 % 12 % 12 %
Moisture 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 %
Vitamins (per 10 grams)
Beta carotene 23000 IU 5000 IU 12000 IU 5000 IU 5000 IU
Vitamin C 0 mg 4 mg 6 mg 31 mg 31 mg
Vitamin E 1 IU 1.5 IU 1.3 IU 3 IU 3 IU
Thiamin, B1 0.35 mg 0.17 mg 0.05 mg 0.03 mg 0.03 mg
Riboflavin, B2 0.40 mg 0.50 mg 0.50 mg 0.20 mg 0.20 mg
Niacin, B3 1.40 mg 2.80 mg 1.30 mg 0.75 mg 0.75 mg
Vitamin B6 80 mcg 140 mcg 110 mcg 128 mcg 128 mcg
Vitamin B12 20 mcg 5 mcg 32 mcg 3 mcg 3 mcg
Folacin 1 mcg * 10 mcg 108 mcg 108 mcg
Biotin 0.5 mcg * 3 mcg 11 mcg 11 mcg
Pantothenic acid 10 mcg * 60 mcg 240 mcg 240 mcg
Inositol 6 mg * * * *
Minerals (per 10 grams)
Calcium 70 mg 30 mg 140 mg 52 mg 52 mg
Iron 10 mg 10 mg 3.5 mg 6 mg 6 mg
Magnesium 40 mg 30 mg 22 mg 10 mg 10 mg
Sodium 90 mg 36 mg 27 mg 3 mg 3 mg
Potassium 140 mg 80 mg 120 mg 320 mg 320 mg
Phosphorus 90 mg 90 mg 50 mg 52 mg 52 mg
Zinc 0.3 mg 1.2 mg 0.2 mg 0.5 mg 0.5 mg
Manganese 0.5 mg * 0.3 mg 1.0 mg 1.0 mg
Copper 120 mcg * 40 mcg 200 mcg 200 mcg
Chromium 25 mcg * 5 mcg * *
Phytonutrients (per 10 grams)
Phycocyamin 1400 mg none * none none
Chlorophyll 100 mg 280 mg 200 mg 55 mg 55 mg
Total Carotenoids 37 mg * * * *
Gamma Linolenic Acid 135 mg * * none none
Glycolipidss 200 mg * * * *
Sulfolipids 10 mg * * * *
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